Thursday, August 09, 2007

No, Seriously, My Name Is 4Real

A New Zealand couple has had their attempt to name their newborn son 4Real Wheaton. In protest, the Wheatons are having him legally named Superman instead.

Poor kid.

But as an American, and worse, a Southerner, that really stinks of excessive governmental intervention. Who are they to tell me what I can and can't name my kid. Actually, for me they can't. I don't live there. But if I did, they could.

Still, we're required to have licenses to drive or even teach. I'd like to think that parenting and its potential for disaster are considered at least the equal of teaching and driving. Why don't we require potential parents to prove their worth and steralize all failures. It'd really save New Zealand from having to reject so many names. (Check the bottom of the article linked earlier for examples.)


Julie said...

And also, my host mother in France had to petition the government to name her daughter Jaime, so it's not just New Zealand. I imagine you expect that from France, though.

Courtney said...

I'm with you on the sterilization thing. If these parents really wanted to name their kid 4Real (or Superman, for that matter), they're too stupid and/or weird to be parents.

My idea is to make everyone get a license before they're allowed to procreate, and if they fail the test too many times, they shall be castrated with a rusty spork.