Sunday, August 26, 2007

Of Boredom and Dragonflies

I was mowing today, a task that takes close to five hours on a riding mower, and I was watching the dragonflies. They've been swarming lately. As the sun set behind the tree changing the light from direct to indirect, the dragonflies came out in the hundreds, hovering, darting, but not really seeming to do anything. They didn't seem to be eating anything, and even more strangely, they didn't seem to be having sex, either. If I were a dragonfly, I don't think I'd really want to be around the other dragonflies unless there was a good chance that I was getting laid because of it.

And on the whole, a swarm of dragonflies is entirely more pleasant than a swarm of flies, fireants, mosquitoes, cockroaches, or gnats. They're kind of cool, actually. The rest are painful, annoying, or just downright creepy.

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