Friday, October 19, 2007

Cool On-line Radio

I actually really like Unlike legal MP3 sites, it's actually free (unless you want to pay for extra features like broadcasting your own station to your friends), and while unlike illegal MP3 sites, you can't really pick which exact songs are playing for the most part, the computer system that chooses songs for you is really good at matching music to your tastes. You can enter artists you like to start it off and then you fine tune it by pressing the heart button to say you love it or the crossed circle button to let it know you hate this song and never want to hear it again. I've actually discovered a lot of music that I really like by using this service (never even heard of Sufjan Stephens, but I like his stuff now). I'm not really sure if I even spelled that right, but it's close. I actually added a widget to my sidebar under the links section that shows what I've listened to recently and I'm assuming it links to as well. This is just a great customizable radio station that really does a good job molding to your tastes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the station. I'll try it out. The one I've been listening to is just the first one I found, but I don't think it has any customizing features. Rock on like you mean it.