Sunday, October 14, 2007

What Was I Thinking?

This morning I had three cups of coffee from between 11 a.m. and probably 3 p.m. It's now 3:16 and I'm only now starting to get sleepy. It's going to suck trying to get to sleep early enough Sunday night to make getting up at 5:45 a.m. on Monday morning something that brings less than suicidal thoughts. I may have an excellent tolerance for alcohol, but where in the hell did my tolerance for caffeine go? I could down a six pack of Mountain Dew or Mello Yello in high school or the first year or two of college and go right to bed, my only fear being that of peeing in my sleep. Then I spent two years avoiding any caffeine not from chocolate. I haven't had regular caffeine consumption since 1999 or 2000. Even after I quit the self-imposed ban on caffeine, I pretty much consume a caffeine laden beverage maybe once a week. When I get a carbonation craving, I usually reach for Sierra Mist, Sprite, or Fresca. I usually only drink water during the day and the only other thing I drink on a regular basis is beer. I'll make a cup of coffee on weekends, but the coffeepot stays dry during the week. Some weekends I'll go without coffee as well. I also have a soft spot for tea, but I probably drink three or four cups of oolong a month at most.

So what made me think I could overindulge in coffee this morning? I'm now feeling vaguely hung over and I was really jittery, excitable and irritable at various times today. Caffeine is evil. I want to kill it and eat its babies. It's a shame that all of this caffeinated stuff tastes so good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One caffeine beverage a week?! I pretty much consume one caffeine beverage an hour. Which, now that I think of it, may be why I have the permanent shakes.