Sunday, November 04, 2007

I Apologize

I honestly didn't think that my last post was depressing. I still don't, actually, but then I think my perception of my eccentricities differs a bit from the average person's perceptions of my eccentricities. My anti-social tendencies are not, in fact, caused by some social phobia to be cured with a cool little pill (sorry, Pfizer, Merck, and GlaxoSmithKline). I don't feel depressed or repressed by my weird little quirks. It's simply a matter of personal preference. My need for social interaction is abnormally low and my parents failed to impress onto me at an early age the necessity of forcing social interaction to further my career and social standing. Because of this, I both lack the need for regular social interaction and the trained habit of faking it.

This is all fine and dandy with me. I really could go off into the Alaskan wilderness, live off the land without contact with friends and family for years and not experience any major unhappiness until malnutrition or bear attacks set in. So, while all of this is stuff that causes me no personal suffering or distress, it's probably not conducive to easily maintaining a romantic relationship. Hence the previous post. It was entirely a tribute to K and her ability and willingness to deal with those quirks because I know that while they don't bother me, that isn't always the case with her. K got it by the way. She actually got a little misty eyed and called it sweet.

And on a tangential note, I keep having this deja vu about having written this post again and pissed off Courtney somehow. Courtney are you pissed off? If so, I probably dreamed about writing a blog post explaining a previous post and the explanation pissing you off. That should be weird enough to cheer you up. Seriously, I told you my dreams are at times difficult to differentiate from reality.


Courtney said...

Huh? Why would I be pissed? I'm so confused. Wait, are you talking to me or your sister?

Jacob said...

You. Like I said. I think I dreamed that I pissed you off with a blog post once.

Mickey said...

I did get the sweetness in your post and it was very nice. I just found it depressing because it reminded me of some of my own anti-social tendencies.

Courtney said...

Nope, not pissed. All good here. Thanks for asking, though.