Friday, November 23, 2007

This Bed Sucks

I've been spending the week at the in-laws' house and, while I enjoy it for the proximity of beer worth drinking, I really freaking hate their beds. There's not a one of them that doesn't leave me with a sore shoulder, hip, and/or back. Sure part of it is that I went to the Falcons game last night and didn't get in until sometime between 1 and 2 a.m. but the other part is that I just can't sleep soundly in that crappy bed. The other bed is slightly more comfortable, but it's currently occupied by K's grandmother and I don't plan on sharing a bed with her.

So basically, I'm exhausted today. I've been a little grumpy (although the LSU-Arkansas game was entertaining enough to brighten my day a little) and I don't really have the mental clarity at the moment to put forth my usual brand of long-winded and relatively unique writing for these posts. I still say this one counts, though. I hope to have something a little more worth your reading time tomorrow.

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