Friday, May 23, 2008

Rock Out With Your Cock Out!

And by cock I mean male chicken. One should always rock out with their rooster free. Caged roosters make me sad. Free the cocks!

One of the benefits of teaching at the high school is that our school year is one day shorter than that of the rest of the schools in the system. Our last day was yesterday (and if you were lucky enough to teach all seniors for some reason, the last day was Tuesday.) I talk about this like I am already sitting at home on the couch sucking down Cheez-Its and watching DVDs, but I'm actually sitting at my computer in my classroom. The thing is that there are no students, and there won't be for another two months. I still have the rest of today and Monday and Tuesday of post planning, but that's not even work. A few meetings. A little setup for graduation. A few forms filled out and turned in, but the rest is pure gravy. While Kim's slaving away with excitable seven- or eight-year-olds, I'm head-banging to Silverchair's Straight Lines (from the new album, a guilty pleasure) and twitching spasmodically to Nappy Roots' "Awnaw" and assorted Mos Def, my lion's mane shag flying wildly, actions that really aren't that bright considering the herniated disc in my neck, but it's not sending shooting pains down my back and I'm in a good mood, so screw it.

That last sentence makes me sound old, but I'll just blast some inappropriate music in my classroom and pretend I'm still young and immature.

Here starts two months of freedom, bitches!


Mickey said...

Congratulations. On the freedom, not the herniated disc.

Courtney said...

You really should be blasting "Freedom" by George Michael. That's inappropriate too, but in an entirely different way.

Congrats on two kid-free months! Except for your own, of course.

Jacob said...

I've had the disc problem for over a year now. I popped it last spring and was in the worst pain in my life for about three days. Then the doctor gave me some sort of shot and with the exception of a mild flare up around New Year's I haven't had any issues except the occasional mild stiffness since then.

At least I wasn't like a fellow teacher who had her herniated disc misdiagnosed as Multiple Sclerosis or something similar.

Sid said...

Two months of freedom??? But it's only May right now. What happened to the rest of the months for this year? Does your school year not start in January?

Jacob said...

Sid: American school calendars start in the fall and end in the spring. The original reason was to let the farmers kids out for farm work during the farmers busiest kids. Since farming was the main industry back when universal education started, it just kind of stuck even though there is now no reason for it. Universities even work on similar schedules.

Or were you being facetious? I honestly don't know how South African education calendars go, so I don't know.

Traveling Em said...

Hi I'm one of Mickey's friends. I can't believe your school year is already done. We don't finish until June 20th and have to be back August 13th! Grumble. Maybe I should go back to public school.

Sid said...

South African schools start when the year starts. Generally round January 20th. End in November. Which makes sense to me. You start when the year starts.