Sunday, August 24, 2008

That Wasn't So Bad

The STP concert was actually pretty good. The band put on a good show. Weiland looked and sounded like his old self. We were actually closer to the stage than the photo made it look. Camera phones tend to make things look farther away than they actually are and the musicians are actually lost in the smoke and bright lights here. I only had a couple of problems with the overall experience. The venue didn't have the best acoustics, which is odd for a place that the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra apparently plays on a regular basis. I couldn't understand a word spoken by Weiland or any of the people in the two opening bands. I understood the lyrics to the songs fairly well, but I knew most of them so well that my memory aided understanding, but the banter between songs was completely unintelligible and not because it was stupid. It may have consisted entirely of inane comments, but I couldn't make out any of the actual words said, so I have no idea.

Also, toward the end of the night it seemed there may have been a couple of issues with the drummer and the rest of the band getting out of synch. A couple of the songs seemed to fall apart a little in the middle and at one point late in the show, Weiland turned around and flipped off the drummer twice. I have no idea what exactly that was about. It could have just been part of the performance that Weiland shot the drummer a bird, but I can't really figure out why it would have been.

It was a great show, and my buddy Justin really seemed to enjoy the it as well and it always makes an experience better when the person you're with is enjoying it as well.

Speaking of Justin, he's a bit of an addict. We got caught in traffic south of Atlanta when there was an accident. Traffic was pretty much standing still with the rare shift forward, so Justin thought it would be a good time to get in a cigarette. He knew he wasn't going to smoke in my car (He didn't even ask. He's a considerate smoker.), so instead he got out and took a walk to get in a smoke before we got moving again. Actually, that's not a cigarette in that photo. I was trying to catch a candid shot with him taking a drag, but he caught me and repeated Weiland's display to the drummer.


Julie said...

I'm glad the show did not make you sad.

Courtney said...

I appreciate smokers who realize not everyone wants to be around smoke. It's cool that he got out of the car without even asking.

Chris said...

That's really funny about Weiland flipping off the drummer.

Rockers are such whack-jobs.

Mickey said...

I have fond memories of STP, too. They came around right when I was finally learning to appreciate good music. Their heyday also coincided with my brief period of adolescent rebeliousness.