Thursday, January 17, 2008

Well, At Least He Tries to Discipline

While playing with my Wii last night (I love saying that for the double entendre, even if it's technically my sister's), I was browsing through the news section and found this tasty tidbit. Apparently, during the Green Bay post-season match up against Seattle recently, a father got a little upset with his seven-year-old son for refusing to wear a Packers jersey during the game.

My initial reaction to this was, "What kind of kid that age doesn't just jump at the chance to spend a little time with daddy watching football?" I mean the kid isn't old enough yet to have started rebelling and choosing other teams as his favorites, and he's old enough to have started liking sports. Of course, then I realized, "Yeah, it would be the kind of kid whose daddy is likely to duct-tape him to a chair and then tape the jersey to him." I'm sure daddy does this kind of thing on a regular basis, so the kid probably isn't quite as keen on hanging out with daddy and cheering for the Packer's as little Bobby from down the street is.

The mom actually took pictures of the punishment with her camera phone and went to the cops. Good for her.

Except that the kid is probably a little turd and deserved it.


Chris said...

Fucking meathead. I hope the kid grows up to be a gay ballet dancer just to piss that guy off --- because I'm sure you're right that the jersey incident is just the tip of the iceberg, if the mom is calling the cops about it.

By the way, it makes it much funnier to say you're playing around with your sister's Wii.

Mickey said...

I was going to say something about your sister's Wii, but Chris beat me to it. And he cussed. Awesome.

Courtney said...

I hope the kid not only grows up to be a gay dancer, but one day tracks down his dad and duct-tapes a tutu to him.