Friday, May 08, 2009

Interesting Take on Wonder Bread and Mass Farming


Julie said...

Jacob, I really don't like Wonder Bread enough to watch an 18 minute video.

Lora said...

I'm with Julie, but I'm dying to know what the 30 second take home message is.

I've never had wonder bread. Should I keep it that way? Should I start eating it asap?
I'm tormented...

Jacob said...

Basically, it was that even as demonized as spongy white bread has been, it's that mass-produced white flour that has pulled millions out of poverty and creates an inexpensive source of nutrition that many need. Boutique, organic, natural farming is fine, but it's a solution for the wealthy who can afford to pay the cost increase that comes with a drop in quantity produced and that for real change in the environmental effects of farming, we need to focus on doing mass, industrial-sized farming better and not go back to more primitive methods unless we want the poor to starve.

It's something to think about.

And thanks for your comment.